Showing 1201–1246 of 1246 results
Michelangelos Gebäudeschmuck in frischen Kupfern, 1716
€ 1.600 -
Genealogie der Familie Sohier von Vermandois, mit prächtig kolorierten und goldgehöhten Kupfern
€ 1.800 -
A core work on 18th century ship-building, copy of Sir Carl Popper’s uncle Siegfried
€ 1.800 -
Beuschel, Hirn, Kutteln und Schöps für den Oberhofpostmeister, Fürst Paar
€ 1.800 -
1st map of the provinces of Milano and Pavia together, 1819
€ 1.800 -
Rare illustrated and bibliophile copy of Mendelssohn’s Pentateuch, Vienna 1837
€ 1.800 -
First offprint of a milestone paper on cosmic radiology, 1913
€ 1.800 -
Doppelmayrs »Mathematicis«, 1730, im belgischen Meistereinband
€ 1.800 -
Folio sized, luxurious inventory of 180 paintings in possession of the British Royals, 1905/1906
€ 1.800 -
Seminal work on Byzantine church music, pioneering notation of music in Romanian, 1823
€ 1.800 -
“…ein Abbild arroganter jüdischer Frechheit und völliger geistiger Vertrottelung…”, 1938
€ 1.800 -
Human Action – Schüsselwerk des Neoliberalismus, 1940
€ 1.800 -
Erstdruck des rumänischen Nationalpoems, 1883
€ 1.800 -
Barbier’s »Fêtes Galantes«, no. LXXX (of 165) on vélin rives paper, in a splendid binding, 1928
€ 1.800 -
The first bibliography of Italian literature, copy with exquisite provenance, 1580
€ 1.800 -
The Costume of the Russian Empire, gorgeously illustrated with coloured engravings
€ 1.900 -
Cicero’s famous »Epistolae familiares«, Aldine edition in superb contemporary binding, 1552
€ 1.900 -
Pochoir coloured, most luxurious Art Deco fashion and lifestyle magazine, 1924
€ 1.900 -
Complete 1st year of Latvian avant-garde magazine »Tribīne«, 1931-1932
€ 1.900 -
Set with 21 original photolithographic colour prints of Ottoman Constantinople, ca. 1890 – 1900
€ 1.900 -
Rackham’s »Betty Barber«, bound in elegant full morocco, 1910
€ 2.100 -
De Luxe bilingual edition of Dante’s »Commedia«, illustrated by Bayros, 1921
€ 2.100 -
De Luxe copy of the Vienna Art Nouveau magazine for erotic art and literature »Amethyst«, 1905
€ 2.200 -
Calvinist and mystical outline of the Testaments grouped into lunar and solar cycles, 1616
€ 2.200 -
Outstanding Serbian surrealist children book, 1933
€ 2.200 -
Multilingual alphabet with gorgeous hand-coloured engravings, 1820
€ 2.400 -
Across the Libyan desert in armoured Rolls-Royce cars, De Luxe copy, 1933
€ 2.400 -
Äußerst rare bulgarische Avantgarde-Zeitschrift mit Umschlägen von Ivan Milev
€ 2.500 -
Röding’s profusely illustrated core work on nautics in a highly collectable state
€ 2.500 -
Heines »Buch der Lieder«, 1823, unbeschnittenes Vorzugsexemplar
€ 2.800 -
Exhibition catalogue for the Chinese exhibition junk „Keying”, with autograph by Mandarin He Sing, 1848
€ 2.800 -
Heinlins reich illustrierte Gesamtdarstellung der Mathematik, 1679
€ 2.800 -
Shakespeare in der Ernst Ludwig Presse, mit dem originalen Ankündigungsblatt des Insel-Verlags
€ 2.900 -
Sammelband with the major works by mathematician and engineer Niccolò Tartaglia, 1554-62
€ 3.200 -
Very scarce complete set of C. H. à Roy’s »Bibliotheca Medica«
€ 3.400 -
Kompletter letzter Jahrgang der lettischen Avantgarde-Zeitschrift »Kreise Fronte«, 1930
€ 3.400 -
Gott ist todt! Nietzsches “Fröhliche Wissenschaft”, 1882
€ 3.800 -
“Fundamental papers on nuclear fission which eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bomb”, 1939-44
€ 3.900 -
Sammelband mit 5 Werken der Mathematik, Astronomie und Musik der Reformation, 1538-48
€ 4.800 -
First German edition of »Le Antichità di Ercolano esposte«, 1777/99
€ 4.800 -
Neurath’s pioneering work on information graphics, 1930
€ 4.900 -
Claiming the supreme power of the Pope
€ 6.800 -
A scare copy of the »Gesta Romanorum« from 1488: fully rubricated in three colours
€ 8.500 -
First European printed book to contain Chinese and Japanese characters, 1575
€ 8.500 -
Letters related to Jesuit missions in Japan, China, and East and West Indies, 1593
€ 9.400 -
Im Umschlag von Moholy-Nagy, Jg. VII, Heft Nr. 4-6 des Wiener »MA«, 1922
€ 9.800