Rare missal with attractive with bakelite binding “Made in Germany”, 1935
€ 140
Misal de Domingos y Fiestas en Latín y Castellano. With illustrations. 2nd edition. J. Steinbrener: Winterberg, s.a. [1935]
Misal de Domingos y Fiestas en Latín y Castellano, con Introducción y Comentarios por Don Lázaro Seco, Benedictino de Silos. With illustrations. 2nd edition. J. Steinbrener: Winterberg, s.a. [1935]
16°. XXXI [I], 800 Seiten.
2nd edition, first published 1934.
With an attractive fake marble binding made of bakelite "Industria alemana" (as stated with a stamp on title page), together with 2 metall claspes, 3 differently coloured ribbons and gilt edges.