Dada and De Stijl, A Significant Dutch Book Auction Catalogue, 1968


J. L. Beijers, Utrecht: Book Auction Sale. 26th-28th. Nov. 1968. Dada and De Stijl (…) With 1 colour plate. Utrecht, 1968

J. L. Beijers, Utrecht: Book Auction Sale. 26th-28th. Nov. 1968. Dada and De Stijl (...) With 1 colour plate. Utrecht, 1968

8vo. 207 [1] pages (Lots nos. 614 - 2803). Cliché and letterpress, in the original wrappers with black, red and white title.

Dada and De Stijl covers lots nos 1121 - 1146.

Cover slightly worn.